Research interest

Optimal water resource management and informed decision making requires interdisciplinary research by developing a sound conceptualization of the hydrological regime. Hydrological conceptualization coupled with hydrological modeling and statistical analysis enables better understanding of quantifying and allocating fresh water resources and predicting unforeseen changes induced by anthropogenic and climate variability. Hence, my research interest is the data driven understanding of our limited fresh water resources by coupling both physical and hydrogeochemical analysis with hydrological simulations.

Specific research interests:

Selected hydrostratigraphy & cross-sections across US major aquifer

Fossil water

Groundwater that has been under the ground for more than ~12 thousand years is often called fossil groundwater. Understanding where wells that extract water from fossil aquifers is critical from water quality and quantity perspective. This can help to safeguard our fresh water supply from fossil aquifers to meet current needs and future demands.

Water isotopes

Here, we presented a case study from Raya Valley Basin in Ethiopia, where isotope data showed that the summer precipitation was the principal source of groundwater recharge. Different sources of water (shallow/deep groundwater, flood water, lake water and swamp water) show distinct isotopic composition, indicating the importance of local and regional hydroclimate variability.


Here, we summarized major lakes across Ethiopia, including the lake origin, geomorphology, bathymetry, lake level change, associated water quality, dependent ecosystems and issues related to changes in climate conditions and anthropogenic impacts such as irrigation, industry use, and groundwater pumping.

Edmonds, WA (2022)

Edmonds, WA (February, 2022)

Urban flooding

Intense pluvial rainfall, rapid urbanization and aged infrastructures causes flood hazards in urban areas. A coupled 1-D hydrodynamic and 2-D overland flow simulation was developed and showed high flood risk associated with manhole overland flow in the city of Edmond, Washington State.